Cheers Cat Grunge Art
Cheers Cat Grunge Art
A couple of weeks back I was cat sitting for some friends, while they were getting settled in their new city. But now the cats are gone and my house is empty, much like my insides, although there are some upsides to the lack of cats. Mainly everything I own isn’t constantly being covered in cat hair, although I’m still finding stuff covered in it namely anything that was under my bed. Also, my shoes for some reason are always covered in hair when I take them out of the cupboard, I’ve cleaned it twice and still can’t understand where it comes from. Also even though I kept the litter box as clean as possible my place still had a consent bad smell which I’m pretty sure is more to do with my place being too small for 2 cats, but besides all that I do miss them, well at least one, the one that was a big sook who just wanted my attention and pats. Not the other one that would just look at me with such hatred and only ever wanted me to feed him and leave him, damn he was like the most hateful creature. Although I’m more into dogs so maybe I just hate most cats.
But anyway I draw this as like a goodbye to them and thanks for making my place seem a bit fuller, even if it is now full of impossible amounts of cat hair. So yeah cheers cats.